We’ll help you get back on the road! We offer driving assessments, retraining and vehicle modification prescriptions under various funding programs, including NDIS and DVA.

An injury or illness can have a huge impact on your ability to drive which will likely impact your independence, participation and self-confidence as well.

We understand that driving is a hugely important skill which is why our team offers driving assessment and rehabilitation.

We can help:

  • New drivers with a physical, intellectual or psychological disability
  • Drivers returning to driving following a physical injury, neurological event or disability
  • Clients with age-related changes or degenerative conditions requiring assessment of their fitness to drive (as per RMS standards)

The Assessment process requires:

  1. Medical clearance
  2. Off-Road Assessment
  3. On-Road Assessment with a Driving Instructor
  4. Report outlining the outcome of assessment, further recommendations, endorsements and restrictions.

The rehabilitation process can include:

  • Equipment and modifications
  • Lessons and retraining
  • Pre-driving tasks and skill building


Please call us on 1300 855 513 to find out more.

You can also download our info brochures here:

Get Back on the Road – OT Driving Assessments

Driving Assessments for New Learners

Vehicle Modifications